The Official Online Coaching Program

Whether you are training to run your first marathon or half-marathon, or you are seeking a PR or Boston Qualifying time, the Beaver Canyon Marathon official Online Coaching Program offers detailed and personalized coaching from our experienced and successful coach, Paul Carmona. Using his own coaching methods that have proven successful for runners of all levels for more than 17 years, Coach Paul will help you reach your goal using a 16-week marathon or half-marathon plan or a shortened "Introductory" plans for first-timers.

What do I get from the Beaver Canyon Marathon Online Coaching Program?

When you register our Coaching, you will be asked to complete a Runner Profile. Your profile will go directly to Coach Paul, who will use that information to evaluate your progress throughout training. Before your training begins, Coach Paul will contact you to make an introduction, to provide contact information for you to reach him, and to provide any additional instructions for your training preparation.

Your training plan will be available on RunTrainRace Online Coaching Program log-in page. You will receive a complete training schedule that will include your daily workouts and weekly targets. The page will also include detailed instructional videos and resources about how to complete certain workouts.

Coach Paul will send weekly emails to you with instructions for the following week's workouts. These emails will remind you about the objectives of your specific training cycle, will explain the overall goals for each of your workouts, and will include tips on how to translate key concepts into successful preparation for your race.


First, the program is a coached program. It is easy to find a generic plan in a book, magazine, or website that basically says "do this." By contrast, a coached program offers more: you will be coached by an experienced marathon and half-marathon coach who will work directly with you throughout the program, who will explain the purpose of every workout, and who will follow your progress throughout your training cycle.

Second, the Beaver Canyon Marathon Online Coaching Program is specifically and uniquely designed for downhill racing. Your training schedule will include regular workouts designed to improve your efficiency and ability to race downhill.

Third, Beaver Canyon Marathon coached program will invite your feedback as you train, measuring your progress and helping you work through challenges. You can ask questions and get answers or advice about your race goals, your race strategy, race nutrition, training and racing gear, how to avoid or deal with injuries while training, and your overall training experience. A "training plan" from a website can't do that. Our Coach can and will do that.

Finally, your Beaver Canyon MarathonOnline Coaching Program will use a training plan that is specifically developed for your race. Instead of a one-size-fits-all "training plan," you will receive coaching that is designed especially for the course that you will be running. Your coached training will culminate in a pre-race lecture on course strategy at the race expo, where you can meet your coach and get last-minute tips on how to run a successful race.

What type of workouts does the training include?

Your typical weekly schedule will consist of:

Saturday Long Run

Sunday Recovery or Rest Run

Monday Easy Run or Speed/Hill Work

Tuesday Easy Run

Wednesday Rest

Thursday Tempo/Pace Run or Easy Run

Friday Rest

If your personal schedule does not allow for workouts on any of the scheduled days, your coach will work with you to adjust your training plan to fit your own schedule.

What level should I choose - Introductory, Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced?

Half Marathon

The Introductory Half Marathon training is designed for runners who are attempting their first half-marathon, or are generally unfamiliar with a structured training program. The 12-week plan is intentionally developed with fewer weeks of training, less intensity and overall distance, and a more gradual approach to preparing for the half-marathon distance.

The Beginner Half Marathon training is intended primarily for runners who are relatively new to distance running or who have never attempted a half-marathon before. Some runners choose the Beginner level when they are returning from a long period of non-running or are recovering from injury.

The Intermediate Half Marathon training is intended for runners who are comfortable with the half marathon distance and perhaps even have run a marathon before. Compared to the Beginner level, the Intermediate level includes higher weekly mileage and longer long run distances but does not include the intensity of the Advanced level.

The Advanced Half Marathon training is intended for experienced runners who are comfortable training with a significant amount of mileage and intensity, and who are seeking a personal record at the half distance.


The Introductory Marathon training is designed for runners who are attempting their first marathon, or are generally unfamiliar with a structured training program. The 16-week plan is intentionally developed with fewer weeks of training, less intensity and overall distance, and a more gradual approach to preparing for the marathon distance.

The Beginner Marathon training is intended primarily for first-time marathoners, although plenty of veteran marathoners have followed the Beginner level to prepare for a marathon after a long layoff from running or an injury that requires them to slowly get back into marathon fitness.

The Intermediate Marathon training is intended for runners who have completed at least one marathon. It is similar to the Beginner training, but includes higher weekly mileage and long run distances.

The Advanced Marathon training is intended for experienced marathoners who are comfortable training with a significant amount of mileage and intensity. The Advanced training is recommended for runners who want to attempt to run a personal record or Boston qualifying time.

Can I switch between Introductory, Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced training once the programs are underway?

Yes, but switching from Introductory, Beginner or Intermediate training to Advanced training is not recommended. The demands and intensity of the Advanced training are high, and rely heavily on the ability to sustain demanding levels of mileage and intensity over the total training period. Switching from Advanced to Beginner or Intermediate training, or from any level to Introductory training, should not be a problem at any point in the program. It is a step down in intensity and overall mileage.

You can register for the coaching and training program here:

Coach Paul Carmona